
05 - Notation & Position

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Remember how the Dot is transmogrified from the flat chessboard? If the notation of every single square remains during transmogrification, it will look like the diagram below:

Notation of squares on the chessboard and the Dot

The principles of notation on the chessboard is: “Ranks” are noted with numbers 1 to 8. “Files” are noted with letters a to h.

Likewise, the principles of notation on the Dot is: “Latitudes” are noted with numbers 1 to 8. “Longitudes” are noted with letters a to h.

The animation below shows the relation of noted squares on two hemispheres more accurately.

The relation of noted squares on two hemispheres

Now if I put all pieces in initial position on the chessboard and the Dot, it will look like the diagram below:

All pieces in initial position on the chessboard and the Dot

It’s interesting that each side of pieces on the Dot surround their poles; white pieces surround the south pole, and black pieces surround the north pole.

The animation below shows the relation of pieces in initial position on two hemispheres more accurately.

The relation of pieces in initial position on two hemispheres

For future reference, the 8 squares alongside a pole are jointly called as “polar circle”. This noun will be mentioned later when it comes to “castling” and “pawn promotion” rules.

To be continued.

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