
04 - Diagram

Continue with the previous article.

Back to the previously mentioned question: “How is it possible to play chess on a spherical chessboard with the traditional rules?” To answer that, first I need to exhaustively display all 64 squares on the surface of Dot in a 2-dimensional diagram, so I can draw pictures to explain it well.

It takes two steps to make a diagram of Dot:
1) Divide the Dot into two hemispheres by splitting it from the equator.
2) Use “Azimuthal equidistant projection” to project them as two circles.

Make a diagram of Dot

In the diagram, the upper circle is the northern hemisphere and the lower circle is the southern hemisphere. The circumferences of two circles are connected with a single point on the diagram, but they are actually full-connected as a Dot (the equator of Dot). The animation below shows the relation of squares on two hemispheres more accurately.

The relation of squares on two hemispheres

In the future, consider the circles of all diagrams are rotatable, just like the gear-wheel animation above.

To be continued.

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