
06 - Essence

Continue with the previous article.

Before we get any further, I have to clarify the essence of the Dot.

Although the Dot is a 3-dimensional object, which has height, width and depth, however the surface of the Dot is just a 2-dimensional membrane, without borders.

How to define the dimension of an object? It depends on how many sets of value is needed to pinpoint a location on that object. See this article if you want to know more.

On a spherical surface, such as the surface of planet Earth, it takes two sets of value to pinpoint a location. For example, the coordinates of Eiffel Tower in Paris, France is (48°51’29.6”N, 2°17’40.2”E), and the coordinates of Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is (29°58’45.03”N, 31°08’03.69”E).

Likewise, it takes two sets of value to note a square on the chessboard or the Dot. For example, the square the white king occupies in initial position is (e, 1), and the square the black queen occupies in initial position is (d, 8). We simply use “e1” and “d8” for chess notation.

Since the surface of the Dot is essentially a 2-dimensional membrane just like the flat chessboard, it must can be displayed as a 2-dimensional and rectangular chart just like the flat chessboard, can it not?

Yes, it can. And I call it “2DFARCSOD”, which represents “2-Dimensional, Flat And Rectangular Chart of Squares On the Dot”.

To be continued.

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